The Impact of Diesel Generator Noise on the Environment and Solutions


Diesel generator is popular for many of its features. Predominantly, it is much sought after for its durability and less fuel consumption.

Spanning across Industry as well as residential usages, diesel generators occupy the spaces of our engagement, in various sizes.

Not only do they last long, they act like a reliable friend in times of power outages.

Diesel generator suppliers in UAE are getting huge customer base also for the low maintenance cost offered by these top performers.

Generator suppliers in Dubai, particularly, focus on refilling the stock of diesel generators.

There are no bright side without a darker side. The burden of the other side falls upon the environment.

Along with the mass requirement of diesel generators, there are lamentations coming from the mourners of environment.

Nowadays the scope of environmental criticism has expanded beyond just emissions.

The health hazards warned by the occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) under US department of labour is a matter of contention these days.

When it comes to diesel generators, the noise pollution caused by them sweat the temples of concerned people. In the Middle East they call for an action from the diesel generator suppliers in UAE as well as the general public.

Major health hazards of noise pollution:

  • Hearing impairment: Prolonged exposure to high decibels of sound will result in damages to your ear’s Cochlea. Generator suppliers in Dubai should heed to this concern and proactively take measures to reduce noise of generators.
  • Stress booster: It is found that chronic exposure to high volume of noise induces stress and anxiety in humans. Disturbance caused to sleep is also a cause for such an impact on us.

Other than health hazards noise pollution have grave implications on the social fabric and quality of life. Disrupted communication and irritated mind which comes from excessive noise disruptions are also a matter of concern.

Solutions to curb noise pollution from Diesel generators:

  • Replace old generators: It is high time that the old noisy and weary diesel generators be replaced by new ones. New models have novel techniques to reduce sound.
  • Increase demand for enclosures and silencers: Enclosed generators produce less sound than open generators. Also silencers reduce much of the sounds byblocking or absorbing them.

The problem with silencers is that they block air thereby reducing  efficiency. Diesel generator suppliers in UAE find this as a reason for a lack of demand for diesel generators with high efficiency silencers. This situation have to be changed.

  • Another approach which can done by households or industries is to keep the generators in a secluded place away from their boundaries. This will save them and their neighbours from the health hazards of noise.

In this context, the responsibility to reduce noise from generators lies in diesel generator suppliers in UAE as well the public. You must choose companies like Bright Power Solutions specialised in building power solutions with generators of the best technology.

Technology being the prime solution for the implications of the obsolete tech, while choosing generator suppliers in Dubai you must be really cautious to find the best diesel generator suppliers in UAE with proper technical know-how.

If a generator supplier provides affordable service with proper maintenance on call, that’ll be the best choice. Companies like Bright Power Solutions offer the latest models with premium brands like Perkins in affordable pricing.

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